How to Find a Good Doctor

The best time to find a doctor is when you don't need one! Ask your friends for recommendations. A good source of referrals can be nurses and other paramedical staff.


Self Medication and Acne Treatment

Since acne is so common among teenagers, it is normal for most of us to believe that a visit to the a doctor is unnecessary. What frequently occurs is the acne is treated using some type of self medication. The majority of us will take medicine on the recommendations of our friends and family. We also turn to television and radio ads for medication that will help treat the acne.

What ought to be understood, however, is that self medication should be averted in the majority of the situations. It is accurate that acne is not some type of a terminal condition, yet a dermatologist would be in a superior position to counsel you on your circumstance. When you consume medicines for acne you would take generic medicines, but a dermatologist would be capable to supply you acne treatment on the basis of your specific case. But if you really want to try some self-medication, we would like to tell you that there are so many products in the market that you are sure to get vexed.

And if you are thinking of taking some medicine which proved extremely effective for your friend, always remember that what works for one condition might not work for your condition. And if you still wish to try self remedy it is advisable to have some understanding of the different ingredients that go into making different acne medications. That would allow you to prepare an insightful decision when it comes to acne treatment. Benzoyl Peroxide is one of the most popular ingredients in acne treatment. It comes in the mould of gels and ointments and it helps in acne treatment by fighting against bacteria.

In addition to that it helps in acne treatment by taking away dead skin cells that get amassed on the surface of the skin. Maybe you understand that in reality these lifeless cells band with sebum to form whiteheads and blackheads. There are numerous reasons behind the reputation of benzoyl peroxide. The primary explanation is its effectiveness in acne treatment.

There are many who use this even after acne has been treated to keep the skin free from bacteria but care should be taken here. You would find that excess use of benzoyl peroxide might result in dry skin. And it might also bleach hair and even your clothes. So, be careful while applying it. Another popular ingredient being used for acne treatment is salicylic acid.

What it does is that it clears the epidermis of dead skin cells. The exact skin cells that obstruct the pores. There are two primary problems alongside this product for acne treatment. First is that you would have to go on using it even after your acne has been cleared.

And the second is that it makes your skin dry and irritating. Sulphur and resorcinol could also be used for acne treatment. Resorcinol helps in peeling out the top coating of the skin with the dead cells clogging the pores. The majority of the times, it is cast-off with sulphur.

Although while sulphur is not used by itself (as a result of its repulsive odor) it is used with most of the material used for acne treatment. Because acne is so commonplace, we have literally just scratched the surface of the types of acne treatment that are available. We have looked at a few of the self medication products and some of the pros and cons of using them. Although there are many over-the-counter products available, it is always best to speak with your doctor if the condition worsens.

J Purdy runs Acne Skin Care, Laser Acne Treatment and Acne Cream. Visit today for all your acne needs:

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